Sweetgrass Therapy Blog

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When Worlds Shift: Helping Your Child Navigate Divorce
Natasha Knoff Natasha Knoff

When Worlds Shift: Helping Your Child Navigate Divorce

The ending of any committed relationship is very tough. But, when an entire family is involved- the effects can be even harder to manage. Divorce is a time of tremendous upheaval for parents, but for children, it can be like living in the eye of a storm - confusing, scary, and filled with uncertainty. They may struggle to understand what's happening, why their family is changing, and where they fit in this new normal. As a parent, you can be their anchor, a source of comfort and guidance as they navigate this challenging journey.

In this article, we'll equip you with expert tips to understand the impact of divorce on children, identify common emotions and behaviors they might experience, and guide you through effective communication strategies. We'll also provide practical tips on maintaining routines, fostering healthy co-parenting, and supporting their emotional well-being.

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5 Essential Steps to Recover and Thrive After Divorce
Natasha Knoff Natasha Knoff

5 Essential Steps to Recover and Thrive After Divorce

This blog post offers 5 essential tips to guide you as you navigate the post-divorce landscape. Think of them as signposts along your new path, offering direction and support. Remember, you're not alone in this. Sweetgrass Therapy is here to walk beside you as you rebuild your life, reclaim your happiness, and discover a brighter tomorrow. So, take a deep breath, and let's begin this journey together.

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Strong, Yet Silenced: A Man's Guide to Battling Depression
Natasha Knoff Natasha Knoff

Strong, Yet Silenced: A Man's Guide to Battling Depression

Imagine a heavyweight constantly pressing down on your chest, a suffocating fog clouding your thoughts. This is the reality for many men battling depression, a silent enemy that thrives in the shadows of masculinity. Society often expects men to be unyielding pillars, but a storm may be brewing behind the stoic facade.

This comprehensive guide is here to break the silence. Depression doesn't discriminate based on gender, but it can manifest differently in men. We'll delve into the specific warning signs you might miss, the societal pressures that fuel the silence, and the strength it truly takes to seek help.

Here's the truth: reaching out is not a sign of weakness, it's an act of defiance. There's a whole arsenal of weapons against depression – therapy, medication, powerful self-care practices. We'll explore them all, empowering you to reclaim your well-being.

If you, or someone you care about, is struggling in the darkness, you're not alone. This guide is your torch, illuminating the path to a brighter future. Let's overcome the stigma together and start a conversation about men's mental health.

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10 Signs You May Need Marriage Counseling
Natasha Knoff Natasha Knoff

10 Signs You May Need Marriage Counseling

Marriage is the blissful union of two people who come together to share their lives, love, and happiness. Ideally, there should be trust, goodwill and hopeful expectation for a joint future. 

However, sometimes things don't go as planned, and relationships become strained.. If you're feeling like your marriage is not what it used to be, or if you're experiencing issues that you can't seem to resolve on your own, it may be time to seek the help of a professional counselor. 

In this article, we'll explore 10 signs that may indicate that you need counseling for your marriage. From communication breakdowns to infidelity, we'll cover the most common issues that couples face. And we’ll provide you with insights on how counseling can help you navigate these challenges. 

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